HTS knows materials.
We know the quality processes during fabrication, assembly, test, and through shipment. The goal of our company is to provide our Customers with
tactile, handson, inplant, distinct acts of examination of materials and equipment in such a way as to determine and verify that these Standards meet the Purchase Order requirements. We try to insure that the vendor comples with the drawings, th specification, the standards and codes of the industry and their complete scope of supply to the Purchaser.
Quality Results
Quality cannot be inspected into a product. It must be builtin during the manufacturing process. Our Quality Representatives provided those necessary interim assurances, inspection, examinations, and tests that include the following:
• Monitor the effectiveness of the vendor’s Quality Control Program, technique and processes.
• Evaluate the level of that quality that may ascertain the vendor either complies with all of the above noted standards or may
require the Purchaser t o request more strict order requirements.
• Provide visual verification of the nondestructivetesting of mater ials and welding that would include alloy verification.
• Provide final visual and dimensional inspection, as well as appropriate preparations for shipment.
• Perform a visua l witness of the mechanical and/or electrical tests.
• Provide experienced personnel to witness and Factory Acceptanc e testing (FAT) or performance
• Rev iew all Material and Test Certification to insure documentation for future reference.